The face is like a piece of canvas

April 9, 2009

There are countless times where people never hesitate to ask me what brand of foundation i am using. Being in the makeup industry for almost 10 years, i have always been cultivated in my previous companies that healthy skin makes up for everything. Just like a piece of canvas, if the texture or quality of it is smooth and fine, paints or pencils drawn on looks much better. 

Skin that is not properly taken care of, causes small breakouts and some raised blackheads, which makes skin texture appear not as smooth. Your skin may not have angry swollen pimples, but rather unknown raised bumps here and there. Best way to tackle this problem is 2 steps: Thorough cleansing and water-based hydrating

Even at the wee hours in the morning after all that partying, i make it a point to at least remove makeup and wash my face with facial cleanser before hitting the bed. Right now i am swearing by Face Shop’s Pure Spa Water Liquid Cleansing Cream. It feels really soothing and, i can guarantee this, INSTANTLY melts upon contact with skin! I’m just a bit skeptical about the name though, cos cream doesn’t really describe it well. the texture is so much more like a water-based gel, rather than cream. In most consumer’s eyes, the product name is the next detail you will take note of other than the package appearance. And most Singapore gals having combination or oily skin, the word “CREAM” is kinda like a “turn-off”. So Face Shop peeps, if you are reading this, suggest it to your HQ yeah.. 😛

Of course, makeup remover and facial cleansers are 2 different things with different purposes. the former one, obviously removes and melts away the paint you have on your face, but it doesn’t get rid of the dirt and oil in the pores and underneath it. 

The facial cleanser, on the other hand aids in scooping off the dirt and oil, therefore your skin feels much better and thoroughly cleansed. 

Step number 2: Water-based hydrating. 

this is recommended for ages from 17 to 27, for combination or oily skin. Water-based products are great as they contain very little(sometimes only 1%) or even NO oil content, therefore the possibilities of clogged skin are low. being a beauty trainer at I Nuovi for 3 years, Shu Uemura for 1, and Face Bistro for 3 years, I have come across too many products and yet so far i only approve of 1 skincare product. Soigne’s Aquafit Watercream from Face Bistro. Like the face shop’s makeup remover, this water-based hydrating cream also melts into skin and feels really comforting. My face always feels refreshed and well hydrated, yet without feeling greasy at all. The price is a bit steep though, at $108 but it is sooooo worth it cos it lasted me for a whole 5 months!


Aquafit Watercream by Face BIstro

Aquafit Watercream by Face BIstro. FYI, the brand SOIGNE is actually owned by Sony. Yes, it's the same technology company who created the Sony Vaio and Playstation!

5 Responses to “The face is like a piece of canvas”

  1. are said

    hello! i would like to ask if eye-brow tattooing will look natural?

  2. Pengsan said

    Hi hi,

    Good entry!

    Any tips for facial care for men?

  3. Ragdoll said

    Any idea which what brand of eye cream is good to rid crow feet, wrinkles and fine lines?

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